Global Solutions for Industrial Applications
Powermetrix provides industrial electrical test equipment solutions for applications worldwide. Industrial engineers find themselves needing to verify their internal meters from time to time, or perhaps perform internal testing and verification. Powermetrix offers many industrial electrical test equipment solutions to assist in making this job easier.
For ease of use and simple verification, PowerMaster 3 Series power meter test equipment is the perfect tool for internal verification. With the ability to perform meter verification testing and current transformer ratio testing, this lightweight portable energy analyzer is the perfect solution. At only 3.5 lbs, it is light weight and portable and can not only serve as a meter verification test device, it can also measure power and harmonics, and display them in easy-to-read graphs. Unlike verification with handheld meters, 3 series power meter test equipment can store and save your measurements, and be retrieved later on a PC with Meter Site Manager Software. Being a handheld unit, it has also been independently tested to and verified to comply with IEC 61010 CAT IV 600V ratings.
For more complex problems, the 7 Series portable energy analyzer can be utilized to provide a separate voltage and current signal to test current and potential transformers both energized or on the bench, and can be used to verify transducers as well. In addition to its generation capabilities, it can perform data trending, harmonic measurements, power measurements, ratio testing, and meter verification.
Contact Powermetrix for any assistance needed in the industrial environment.